vat recovery

Increase your
company's cash flow

Crea presupuestos según tus necesidades. Por departamentos, equipos, proyectos o lo que necesites


Recover VAT in one click

Take the photo of the ticket, we generate the invoice. Automatically recover the VAT on your current representation expenses


We transform your receipts into invoices in more than 500k businesses

Fuell is the only expense manager that takes care of VAT recovery. We get you invoices for your representation expenses such as restaurants, parking and cabs


The smartest card on the market

Start paying with the Fuell card and stop wasting time with expense reports

People with expenses have access to their own corporate card that I can monitor in real time.

Coverwind Team

Finacial Controller
Renewable Energies

Discover the rest of Fuell's features

The most efficient way to
manage your business expenses